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Dr Rohaya Mohamad yang juga presiden Obedient Wives Club (yang Kjee terjemahkan sebagai Kelab Isteri Mitali atau Taat Suami), menyarankan sudah tiba masanya suri rumah pandang luar daripada kepompong dapur mereka.
Seorang isteri yang baik harus juga 'hebat di ranjang'! Waduh...ngak boleh tahan gue.
Kelab ini mahu mengadakan kelas2 mengajar para isteri (yang sah aje tau) cara2 terbaik dan paling berkesan untuk memuaskan suami. Hehehe suami nak kena hadir sekali ker? Macam mana pulak isteri yang tidak 'mendapat layanan sepatutnyanya diranjang?'
Apapun, katanya, seorang suami yang dilayan sempurna diranjang tidak ada alasan untuk 'melencung, guna khidmat pelacur atau terbabit dalam kejadian maksiat lain!'
Dr Rohaya menyalahkan 'ketidakpuasan suami di ranjang bersama isteri yang sah' telah menyumbang kepada gejala soial, maksiat dan pembuangan bayi.
Apabila ditanya, setelah penat si isteri melakukan 'segala2nya' untuk membuat 'suami happy' tapi kalau dia masih 'cari makan luar' Dr Rahaya berkata itu semua bukan dalam bidang kuasa kita untuk menolak. Hanya Allah swt sahaja yang tahu.
Itu sahaja yang boleh Kjee ceritakan. yang lain korang baca sendiri.
Obedient Wives Club to offer sex lessons
RAWANG: Sex lessons to help wives “serve their husbands better than a first-class prostitute” will be among the classes provided by the Obedient Wives Club (OWC) to help promote harmonious marriages and counter social ills.
Its vice-president Dr Rohaya Mohamad said it was time sexual prowess took a front seat in marriage, beyond that of the traditional “good mother or good cook” roles.
“A good or religious wife should also be good in bed,” she told reporters after the launch of the club's Malaysian chapter at a golf club here yesterday.
She said a husband who was kept happy in the bedroom would have no reason to stray, seek out prostitutes or indulge in other social vices.
“The family institution is protected and we can curb social ills like prostitution, domestic violence, human trafficking and abandoned babies,” she said, adding that she believed these problems stemmed from unfulfilled sexual needs at home.
Dr Rohaya, who previously served 15 years as a doctor in the Health Ministry, said the club would also offer counselling and lecture sessions for wives, husbands or couples.
She said the Malaysian chapter had around 800 members while its chapter in Jordan had 200, adding that another in Indonesia was set to be launched on June 19 in Jakarta.
Asked whether wives should remain obedient if their husbands still abused or cheated on them despite being “kept happy” in the bedroom, Dr Rohaya said everyone was subject to God's rule.
“God has His ways and is fair to all. A husband is also subject to God's rule, meaning he can go to hell, too. But a woman must be a good wife to the end,” she said, adding that according to Islam, women should pray, fast during Ramadan, protect their chastity and obey their husbands if they wanted to enter heaven.
Dr Rohaya said the club was undaunted by public criticism, adding that she believed this was a “successful formula” to happy marriages.
OWC and the Polygamy Club were formed by Global Ikhwan Sdn Bhd, an organisation founded by former members of the banned Al-Arqam Islamic group.
A mass wedding reception for eight couples was also held during the launch.
“A good or religious wife should also be good in bed,” she told reporters after the launch of the club's Malaysian chapter at a golf club here yesterday.
She said a husband who was kept happy in the bedroom would have no reason to stray, seek out prostitutes or indulge in other social vices.
“The family institution is protected and we can curb social ills like prostitution, domestic violence, human trafficking and abandoned babies,” she said, adding that she believed these problems stemmed from unfulfilled sexual needs at home.
Dr Rohaya, who previously served 15 years as a doctor in the Health Ministry, said the club would also offer counselling and lecture sessions for wives, husbands or couples.
She said the Malaysian chapter had around 800 members while its chapter in Jordan had 200, adding that another in Indonesia was set to be launched on June 19 in Jakarta.
Asked whether wives should remain obedient if their husbands still abused or cheated on them despite being “kept happy” in the bedroom, Dr Rohaya said everyone was subject to God's rule.
“God has His ways and is fair to all. A husband is also subject to God's rule, meaning he can go to hell, too. But a woman must be a good wife to the end,” she said, adding that according to Islam, women should pray, fast during Ramadan, protect their chastity and obey their husbands if they wanted to enter heaven.
Dr Rohaya said the club was undaunted by public criticism, adding that she believed this was a “successful formula” to happy marriages.
OWC and the Polygamy Club were formed by Global Ikhwan Sdn Bhd, an organisation founded by former members of the banned Al-Arqam Islamic group.
A mass wedding reception for eight couples was also held during the launch.
hmmm...alahai...(xtau nk kate ape...hehe)
ReplyDeletehmmm..x tau nak kata ape gak..tp nak kata la jugak..hihihi...sya x berapa setuju lah kak jee...ade jgk wlaupun isteri die sgt perfect..org kata package la kan..pandai msk,cantik,pandai jaga rumahtangga,hebat d ranjang n so on...laki die cr org lain gak..hmm ntahlah...manusia kan..penuh ngan hawa nafsu..klau nafsu yg mendahului, payah la hidup ni kan kak jee...betul x kak jee??
ReplyDeleteSetuju sangat eina. nak jadi ketua keluarga mestilah bersedia secukup2nya. jangan ikut nafsu jer. ada yang dah tua nak mampus pun masih langgan pelacur, rogol budak bawah umur. nauzubillah!
ReplyDeletesalam perkenalan...Norma silent reader kak Jee...sekarang baru berani komen...kikikikkk. Berkaitan topik di atas, kalau nak buat kursus 'follow up' utk isteri-isteri tiada masalah rasanya, seperti mana kursus kahwin, kursus rumahtangga, kursus keibubapaan dsbnya, sebab kita perlu tambahbaik yang sedia ada...tapi ni sebab digembar gembur isu 'sekelumit' itu sahaja...pendapat saya lah kak Jee.
ReplyDeletesalam norma. tadi pun suami Kjee ada cerita bab ini masa kami berdua dalam perjalanan pergi jemput anak. dia kata tak perlulah benda2 macam ni nak dibesar2kan.Sepatutnya kelab itu buat secara tertutup. lebih terhormat daripada membincangkannya di akhbar. kjee setuju kalau kursus rumahtangga, keibu bapaan dan juga isu runtuhnya moral anak2 muda dititikberatkan. suami kjee kata, sebenarnya dalam hal seks, si suami lah patut yang mengajar. benda lain bini boleh pergi belajar tapi bab ini, hanya suami tahu tahap mana yang boleh memuaskannya. itu pandangan suami kjee.
ReplyDelete'hebat' tu hanya suami yang boleh menterjemahkannya. sebagai isteri, kita hanya menjalankan tanggungjawab sebaik mungkin dan dalam masa yg sama kena kreatif juga.takkan 10tahun kawen sama jer stailnya.skills kena improve kot.
ReplyDeletesaya juga setuju dengan suami kak jee, part suami kena ajar..suami kena bgtahu apa yg dia suka/tak suka dan apa yg isteri boleh improve dalam phubungan.lebih elok kalau ada 2way communication :)
tetapi kalu dah jenis liar tu hidangan d rumah sedap pun masih nak cari makan d luar ....atas alasan jemu benda yang sama kekadang tu saje je yang luar tu sedap nak tukar selera.....nor
ReplyDeletemak aiii..ada class pulok doh tp kan bg pendapat sy kita ni sebagai isteri yg sah selalu nya ada aja yg tak kena kat mata suami klu hatinya dah tak lalu kat kita.mak selalu pesan air tangan isteri tu yg jd pengikat kasih bukan aje pasal layanan tempat tido.zaman skrg ni si isteri pun dah jd mcm sang suami ada kerjaya sendiri kdg2 suami balik umah dulu dr isteri jd sape yg sambut sape(peringatan utk diri juga)sibuk mcm mana pun sedikit air tangan kita mesti ada utk suami walau hanya secawan teh setiap hari(tak kan tak blh kot bkn mintak masak bagai)dan spt kata dr fazilah kamsah mesti peluk bini setiap hari sebelum keluar rumah supaya kasih tu sentiasa hangat.insyallah kemana kita atau dia pergi pasti saling ingat mengingati
ReplyDeletekedua-duanya..mesti sama hebat....saling memberi dan menerima...